i'm in the software engineering program at the flatiron school
hello, just introducing myself here on this very website that is my own. i’m currently in the Software Engineering 10-month part-time program – part-time because i am also working full-time as a librarian! yes I like books, no I do not get to read them for my job. librarians are information professionals, so that means often times our role is to help with the organization and access of information. this can take on many forms, depending on the type of librarian you are. there are subject librarians, such as a science librarian, who might work directly with students and faculty to find the most appropriate resources for their research. there are metadata librarians, who help create, clean, structure, and organize records that are indexed and made searchable in databases. then there are technology librarians (such as myself), who helps to design the software for users to interact with databases/datastores.
in my role, i primarily do project management and am a product manager for our digital repository, a custom application to search through our collections of digitized or born digital archival materials, such as scanned photos, audio and video clips, archived websites, documents, etc.
my own tips to myself, the hopeful learner:
- keep notes. copy and paste sections that are useful, even if you don’t ever go back to it (which i actually do), it helps to just go over it again to help with learning the concept. i also keep a list of methods, short code examples that i refer to when i’m coding as just a reminder of what’s available to use if i can’t remember the name or the exact functionality
- look for other tools to help with learning. i use jupyter notebooks an easier way to manipulate and test code
- look for other cheatsheets to help with learning. i’ve found some good xpath and regex cheatsheets out there that i just do a quick skim of if i have to create a query, cause i find the syntax is really hard to remember offhand